User Insights on Autopilot

User Insights on Autopilot

User Insights on Autopilot

Qualitative research conducted, analyzed, and summarized by AI.

Qualitative research conducted, analyzed, and summarized by AI.

Qualitative research conducted, analyzed, and summarized by AI.

Have You Tried Ivie?

Have You Tried Ivie?

Have You Tried Ivie?

Product Feedback

Employee Mood Check

Usability Testing

Qualitative User Insights at Scale

Qualitative User Insights at Scale

Qualitative User Insights at Scale

From Custom Design to Insightful Synthesis: Discover the Future of User Feedback.

From Custom Design to Insightful Synthesis: Discover the Future of User Feedback.

From Custom Design to Insightful Synthesis: Discover the Future of User Feedback.

Design Your Own Custom Research

Design Your Own Custom Research

Design Your Own Custom Research

Define the scope of your feedback needs. Customize your AI model with specific objectives and question guidelines, creating a digital researcher that mirrors your team's expertise. From exploratory studies to brand perception analysis, we ensure your research ambitions are achievable.

Conduct hundreds of AI-moderated conversations

Conduct hundreds of AI-moderated conversations

Conduct hundreds of AI-moderated conversations

Launch in-depth, AI-led interviews that reach beyond surface-level answers, delving into the motivations and emotions behind user feedback, to uncover truly transformative insights.

Get AI-powered synthesis

Get AI-powered synthesis

Get AI-powered synthesis

Transform interviews into actionable strategies with AI-driven synthesis, seamlessly integrating critical insights into your product development process for precise, impactful enhancements.

All this through the precise use of generative AI and machine learning models

Custom Conversation Pathways

Tailored dialogues by AI for in-depth exploration, ensuring each interview feels personal and comprehensive.

Enhanced Audio Insights

Beyond capturing, analyze tone and sentiment from audio inputs for deeper emotional insights.

Dynamic Visual Engagement

Engage participants with interactive visual stimuli, from concept art to product prototypes, for instant feedback.

Insightful Analytics Dashboard

Visualize user feedback trends, sentiment analysis, and key themes with an intuitive, actionable dashboard.

Real-Time Feedback Loop

Instantly adapt interview questions based on previous answers to uncover deeper insights on the fly.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly integrate with your existing tools and platforms for a unified research ecosystem.

Automated Incentive Distribution

Reward participants automatically with customizable incentives.

GDPR-Compliant Privacy

Safeguarding user data with rigorous GDPR compliance, prioritizing participant privacy and security.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What types of research do you support?

Our platform is designed to accommodate a wide array of research needs, from deep-diving into customer satisfaction and gathering product feedback to analyzing market trends and studying user experiences. It's perfectly suited for extracting rich insights, whether you're exploring customer preferences or testing new product concepts.

How is data security and privacy ensured?

Adhering strictly to GDPR guidelines, the platform employs advanced encryption for data storage and transfer, with regular audits to safeguard participant and project data.

Can research be conducted in multiple languages?

Yes, it's equipped to engage participants in various languages, facilitating global research initiatives and ensuring diverse, inclusive insights.

How are research findings synthesized and presented?

Utilizing AI algorithms to analyze responses, it highlights key themes, sentiments, and insights in an intuitive dashboard. This enables quick identification of trends and actionable feedback for strategic decisions.

Ready to Transform Your Research?

Ready to Transform Your Research?

Ready to Transform Your Research?

Dive deeper with Ivie. Start uncovering actionable insights today.

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